Lovesac Pittsburgh! Blog

Bear Grylls VS Chuck Norris

I think it has been a good run for Chuck Norris, and his wicked round house kick, being the bar in which all manliness is measured.  But for poor Chuck there is a new standard.  His name is Bear Grylls.  You know, from man v wild and worst case scenario.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that is where my proof is.  Consider the following,  Bear and Chuck are both hungry, notice their approach:

Using his best asset- Round-house kick.

This seems like a decent idea. Everyone wants to Round-house Kick someone sometime and for the cost of a ham sandwich it seems like a good deal.  But you would be fooled, you would be charged with assault with a deadly weapon (Chuck Norris)

We aren’t impressed either.

Now get ready to see what the proper way to get lunch is, when your short on cash….

Sushi the Man-Tastic Way

No cash?   No Fishing Gear?   No Stove?   No Manners?

No Problem!!

So it is pretty much black and white but you can vote on who you think is really tough as nails.  Then after comment and tell us why!

And Get to Ross Park Mall or South Hills Village and buy stuff from LOVESAC… your back side will thank you